The sweatshirt was born out of humble circumstances. Champion, formerly known as the Knickerbocker Kniting Company, was originally a textile manufacturer for underwear for the military. And as soon as they learned to make strong and strong socks and underpants that Pearl Harbor would endure, in 1930 they began making the sweatshirts known today on the same machines.
Podle tehdejšího prezidenta Championu, Harolda Lipsona, přidávali kapuci na mikinu z praktických důvodů, aby pracovníkům či atletům poskytla ochranu před nástrahami počasí. Zaměstnanci chladíren a nejrůznějších venkovních údržbářů volali po oblečení, které by je v zimě zahřálo. Mezi tím už také Champion pracoval přímo se školami a univerzitami aby zjistil potřeby sportovců, jako třeba dvojitou kapuci pro fotbalisty a atlety kteří trénují za každého počasí.
According to the then President of the Champion, Harold Lipson, they added a hood to the sweatshirt for practical reasons to provide workers or athletes with protection from the weather. Employees of cold stores and various outdoor maintenance workers called for clothes that would warm them up in the winter. In the meantime, Champion has also worked directly with schools and universities to identify the needs of athletes, such as the double hood for footballers and athletes who train in all weathers.