I understand the frequent outrage over the green color of the bottom of the peak. Sometimes it doesn't fit the other outfit colors. But we are talking about retro editions of caps, which are a faithful memory of the history of sports. In short, green is the most pleasing to the eye and has become the standard alongside light gray on-field caps at a time when there were no other than on-field caps. At a time when caps were worn only by players, and you wouldn't meet anyone in a baseball cap on the street. Even one season in baseball, experts researched whether the green should be replaced by another color. But they only found out that gray and black are equally neutral. Hats are still collected by millions of baseball fans, and if it's to be a retro look, you need to have a green bottom. Other sports just took over. That's why so many hats have a green bottom. It belongs there as about 4 wheels per car. End of story. Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either. Manufacturers don't do that much today. We have long since switched from a sports uniform accessory to a fashion accessory. And you can filter the lower color of the peak with ours

Why is the bottom of the visor green?
Let's uncover the long-standing mystery of the color of the underside of the peak, which drives some crazy and such caps straight out of the selection.